As the 250th anniversary of the american revolution approaches the Lynnfield Historical Society has made initial plans for an appropriate commemoration of the community’s direct involvement, and will mark April 19, 2025 with a townwide observance. We have a full slate of activities that began in April, 2024 leading up to a big celebration on Patriots Day, 2025-the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary the birth of our nation. Below you can find an outline of planned events with details to be coming soon.
See: Lynn's own tea party: Lynn Rejects Tea
See: Lynnfield and Rev 250 IllumiNation, Patriot Vigil
See: Lynn's own tea party: Lynn Rejects Tea
See: Lynnfield and Rev 250 IllumiNation, Patriot Vigil
Watch our YouTube Channel for new Lynn End in the Revolution Content
Origins of Revolution, Episode #1
Origins of Revolution, Episode #2, Three Fall at Menotomy
Origins of Revolution, Episode #1
Origins of Revolution, Episode #2, Three Fall at Menotomy
Saturday, April 19 11:00am - 3:00pm on Lynnfield Common and in the Library
11:00am: Patriot Gallery of Lawn Signs containing biographies of the 38 men of Bancroft's Company Childrens' craft and story time: Children will make their own tri- cornered hats. Reading of Longfellow's poem in the library 12:30pm: Fife and Drum 12:35pm: Who is Martin Herrick- Hear the story of our own midnight rider 12:45pm : Herrick arrives on horseback 1:00pm: Militia demonstrations: Musket display Mourn Arms presentation 2:00pm: Patriotic concert featuring the Reading Community Concert Band |